Outdoor Living and Landscaping, Inc.
8229 Upland Cir Ste B
Chanhassen, MN 55317
(952) 361-3399

Summer Lawn Care Tips
When it comes to lawn care for your home’s landscaping, the summer is likely the period you spend them most time worrying about. This is the hottest time of the year, meaning it’s the toughest period to keep grass green and healthy as the sun beats down.
At Outdoor Living & Landscaping, we’re here to help. Our lawn professionals can help with all range of yard services, including basic tips for keeping the lawn in great shape throughout the hot summer. Here are some basic tips we can offer, broken down by periods of the summer.
Early Summer Period
- Mow high: During early summer periods, it’s good to leave the grass a bit longer so roots can develop. This also helps give soil some cool shade to conserve water.
- Feed: Early summer is the time to feed lawns and help them fight heat. Use nutrient fertilizers that release over time.
- Clippings: During early-season mowing, leave clippings on the grass to help feed the growing lawn.
- Grubs: If you’ve had grub issues in the past, apply an anti-grub compound early in the summer.
- Weeds: Spot-treat as necessary.
Mid-Summer Period
- Feed: Continue to feed the lawn every six to eight weeks. If grass dies, wait until it re-grows before feeding it again.
- Deep watering: Water should be penetrating soil to a depth between four and six inches. If it’s coming up shallow here, consider watering more significantly.
Late Summer Period
- Morning watering: Water between 6 and 10 AM for water to be retained most effectively.
- Blades: Mower blades may have worn down over the long summer, particularly if they’ve had to deal with any branches, roots or heavier areas. Dull blades will tear the grass and lead to ragged edges, and ragged edges don’t take moisture as well. Make sure you sharpen the blade at least once a year.
- Weeds: Continue spot-spraying weeds until the fall has begun.
For more on important lawn care tips over the summer, or to learn about any of our other landscaping services, speak to the pros at Outdoor Living & Landscaping today.