Outdoor Living and Landscaping, Inc.
8229 Upland Cir Ste B
Chanhassen, MN 55317
(952) 361-3399

How Dog Poop Impacts Landscaping
When it comes to all areas of lawn care, large and small, the pros at Outdoor Living & Landscaping are here to help. Our numerous landscaping services include a full range of lawn-related areas, including a couple you may not have considered important to your landscaping design – or even to your health as well.
One such area? Dog poop. You may just think of it as an unsightly brown spot in the yard that needs to eventually be picked up, but most homeowners have no idea that dog poop is an environmental hazard that carries parasites and can both damage your landscape and risk the health of you and your dog alike. Let’s look at some basic facts here, plus some simple habits to practice if you’re a dog owner.
Dog Poop Facts
In the year 1991, the EPA labeled dog waste an environmental pollutant – in the same category as pesticides. It can infect waterways and cause algae blooms, which limit plant life throughout the yard, if unchecked. Some basic facts to know:
- One gram of dog poop can contain up to 23 million fecal bacteria.
- These bacteria can spread through several formats: Lawn care (mower blades in particular), insects, air or wind, and even when carried by pets themselves.
- They can also settle in the soil or groundwater of your landscape, where they can remain for years at a time.
Bacteria and Parasites
So what kinds of negative bodies are present in dog poop? There are several:
- Parasites: Parasites like worms, coccidia, giardia and others are common. There are several forms of worms found in dog poop.
- Bacteria: Salmonella, E. coli, campylobacteriosis and other bacteria may all also be present, and these can be transferred to humans.
- Serious illnesses: Parvovirus is a highly contagious disease that can be spread among dogs through their fecal matter. Coronavirus is another that’s not quite as harmful, but can also be spread to humans as well.
If you notice your dog has lost weight, is throwing up, is bloated or is generally lethargic, they may have one of these infections.
Clean-Up Tips
Now that you’re aware of the dangers of dog poop left in the yard for too long, here are some basic tips for cleaning it:
- Scoop your dog’s poop with a small plastic baggy and throw it away whenever they go. It’s as simple as that.
- If you don’t want to throw it away, install an in-ground digester system that uses an enzyme solution to dissolve the poop.
- If you don’t have time or the inclination to clean up your dog’s poop, use various sites like these to arrange for you to hire someone.
- Keep your dog away from the poop of other dogs, and never mulch poop into your own yard.
Yard Treatment
If your dog does happen to get an infection caused by dog poop, you may consider a basic yard treatment. This will remove many parasites and spread diatomaceous earth, which cuts up parasites and eventually kills them completely.
For more on dog poop and your landscaping, or to learn about any of our landscaping services, speak to the staff at Outdoor Living & Landscaping today.